Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
VERSES: Common Area/Lounge
Friday, September 11, 2009
OK, so I'll start with the staggaring statistic:
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Google and A short and silly post
Monday, September 7, 2009
Coffee Shops
Friday, September 4, 2009
VERSES: Practice Room Edition
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Education People
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
EPIC UPDATE!!! (it's been 10 months....)
Ok ,so it's been....much longer than it should have been since the last update (10 months?); I apologize in advance for the condensed form of this one...feel free to e-mail me with any desired elaborations :)
So..the trip to New Zealand that happened over winter break was FANTASTIC!!! I really enjoyed spending time with my family, extended family and it's super pretty there!!!
I ended up finish up the year at Lawrence and definitely "got my money's worth". I participated in 6 different ensembles and very much enjoyed them all. I was in symphonic band, jazz band, bass trombone quartet, bass trombone dectet (I organized this one), trombone choir and Conchordance (Lawrence's all-women's acappella group:, playlist of our concert at the end of the year).
I kept myself busy with my classes, I discovered that I really enjoy music history, though I think this is much due to my amazing teacher (and advisor) Julie McQuinn. I really enjoyed waking up to her bouncy excitement and interesting insights to the music we were studying.
I also took a course that required me to observe in a classroom for 20 hours. I chose to observe in a middle school band program because I felt like I hadn't given middle school band a real chance. Through the 20 hours I really came to appreciate the teaching of my beginning band teacher. I found that I was very critical of the teacher I was observing, often believing that I could do a much better job with certain aspects. Overall it was a really good experience and I am still willing to give middle school band a shot, though at this point I would still much prefer high school.
At the end of the year (in June) I bought a bass trombone, all by myself!, and I am so happy with it. As many of you know, I name all of my trombones because I think they each have a different personality. My first trombone is named Raoul (mostly after Phantom of the Opera), my second trombone is named Beast (because he was a beast to play when I first got him and one of my fondest memories, that helped him get his name, is playing as loud as I possibly could in band with him), this third trombone has yet to be named but I think that it is a girl – very exciting because I usually find that instruments have the opposite gender of their owner and I would LOVE to have a girl trombone, especially since it’s a bass :)
I spent the summer teaching Lego robotics, just like I usually do, and it was very fun, also as per the usual. I also spent the summer building a retaining wall with my mother in my backyard. While this was not the funest job, there were moments of pride as I can look down and see just how many 72lb bricks we moved and placed…and it was pretty fun working with my mom :)
I intended to take a year off and work since Lawrence is VERY expensive, I looked for jobs this summer, applied and was not hired. Three weeks before Colorado State University started my parents offered to hire me as a “research assistant” to determine the differences between CSU and Lawrence’s respective music departments and pay for a semester at CSU. I agreed with very little hesitation as this would be fun, interesting and would not have me anti-earning money (aka spending money).
I officially transferred, though I am, as of yet, uncertain as to how long I will stay – at the very least it will be one semester; at most it will be until I graduate – maybe with a Masters, who knows. I have found that the red tape surrounding late applications, transfer credits, etc. is thick, confusing and not the most fun to deal with. On the other hand, the faculty/staff has been very helpful and welcoming. It is a week into classes and I’m already compiling a whole lot of differences, similarities, opinions and all sorts of interesting information. I’m really enjoying living in Colorado (Fort Collins) again, it’s beautiful and there are Mountains!!!!!!!!!
I am starting a blog to relate some of my frustrations, elations and other insights about transferring and other fun stuff in my life…I hope to update it somewhat daily.
As always I would LOVE to hear from you!! (especially if you are in Fort Collins and we haven’t talked in a while)
Have a FANTASTIC day!!!!!!!!!!!!!