Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Education People

It's the crazy people (like those in my Education class) that make me REALLY want to teach. I cannot imagine a more accepting and fun group of people! So far I have had this class (Schooling in the United States, henceforth refered to as EDUC 275 or my ED class) twice. We meet on Wednesdays from 4-6:50pm...and I have class from 10-2 and then again at 3. Regardless of my lack of sufficient time to eat and chill and practice and feel like a real person on Wednesdays this class pleases me greatly! Part of our time is spent in small group discussion and since we are all (mostly) future educators we are all willing and excited to play silly little games, have real discussions and meet eachother. I made TWO new friends today and they are both from this class. I also really like my teacher, she's super fun and excitable and I can totally tell that she wants to teach us how to be good teachers who care about things and their (our) students.
Wednesdays and Mondays are both really long for me, each start at 10am (not bad), I have an hour break at 2 and then class from 3-5:40pm on Mondays (followed by DND!!!!) and 6:50 on Wednesdays...long days but totally worth it!

So...funny thing about blogs: I have no idea who is reading them. I'm not sure that most people really understand this and they have the potential to fail at realizing that if they say something bad about someone, there is a distinct possibility that word will reach that person and then bad things happen. Dear Renee, don't write bad things about anyone, Love Self. Not that I would have anything bad to say ever...anyway....
What do I put at the end of a blog post? a send off? some cheesy signoff? a random question for people to answer?


  1. I'll be a comment. Hello. I love that you love teaching, and being with other teachers. Teachers are good people. I don't work with the teachers...I used to BE one.

  2. Well put about the blogosphere. Especially if peeps know who you are. You should see if they have counters to keep track of the number of people visiting your page.
